Unlocking the Secrets of Azure Search: What Embedding (if any) Does it Use “Out of the Box”?
Image by Cyrina - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of Azure Search: What Embedding (if any) Does it Use “Out of the Box”?

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Azure Search is a powerful cloud-based search service provided by Microsoft that enables developers to incorporate search functionality into their applications. One of the key features of Azure Search is its ability to handle complex search queries and return relevant results. But have you ever wondered, what embedding does Azure Search use “out of the box”?

In the context of Azure Search, embedding refers to the process of converting text data into numerical vectors that can be processed and compared by machines. This technique is crucial for various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, including text classification, clustering, and search. Azure Search uses embedding to enable semantic search, which allows users to search for phrases and documents based on their meaning, rather than just keywords.

Embedding is essential in Azure Search because it enables the service to understand the context and meaning of search queries and documents. This allows Azure Search to return more accurate and relevant results, even when the search query is ambiguous or contains typos. Additionally, embedding enables Azure Search to support advanced features such as faceting, filtering, and ranking, which are critical for building robust search applications.

What Embedding Does Azure Search Use “Out of the Box”?

The million-dollar question! Azure Search uses a variant of the Word2Vec embedding algorithm, specifically the Word2Vec-GloVe hybrid model, out of the box. This embedding algorithm is based on the popular Word2Vec and GloVe algorithms, which have been widely used in NLP tasks.

The Word2Vec-GloVe hybrid model combines the strengths of both algorithms to produce high-quality embeddings that capture the semantic relationships between words. This model is trained on a massive dataset of text and is optimized for search and retrieval tasks.

How Does the Word2Vec-GloVe Hybrid Model Work?

The Word2Vec-GloVe hybrid model works by training on a large corpus of text data to learn the vector representations of words. The model uses a combination of two techniques:

  • Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW): This technique predicts a target word based on its context. The model learns to predict the target word by averaging the vector representations of its context words.
  • Skip-Gram: This technique predicts the context words based on a target word. The model learns to predict the context words by aggregating the vector representations of the context words.

The hybrid model combines the strengths of both CBOW and Skip-Gram techniques to produce high-quality embeddings that capture the semantic relationships between words.

Using embedding in Azure Search is relatively straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Create an Azure Search index and add a field of type Edm.String to store the text data.

  2. Configure the index to use the Word2Vec-GloVe embedding algorithm.

      "name": "myindex",
      "fields": [
          "name": "content",
          "type": "Edm.String",
          "facetable": true,
          "filterable": true,
          "sortable": true,
          "analyzer": "standard",
          "tokenizer": "standard",
          "tokenFilters": [
          "embedding": {
            "type": "Word2Vec-GloVe",
            "vectorDimension": 100
  3. Index your text data into the field.

  4. Use the $embed query parameter to enable semantic search.

    GET /indexes/myindex/docs?api-version=2020-06-30&search=azure+search&$embed=true

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when using embedding in Azure Search:

  • Use a sufficient vector dimension: The default vector dimension is 100, but you can adjust this value based on your specific requirements.

  • Pre-process your text data: Azure Search provides various tokenizers and token filters to pre-process your text data. Make sure to use them to improve the quality of your embeddings.

  • Experiment with different embedding algorithms: Azure Search provides other embedding algorithms, such as Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) and BERT, which you can experiment with to see what works best for your use case.


In conclusion, Azure Search uses the Word2Vec-GloVe hybrid model as its default embedding algorithm out of the box. This algorithm is optimized for search and retrieval tasks and produces high-quality embeddings that capture the semantic relationships between words. By using embedding in Azure Search, you can build robust search applications that return accurate and relevant results. Remember to experiment with different embedding algorithms and pre-processing techniques to optimize your search results.

Keyword Description
Word2Vec-GloVe A hybrid embedding algorithm that combines the strengths of Word2Vec and GloVe
Edm.String A field type in Azure Search that stores text data
CBOW Continuous Bag of Words, a technique used in Word2Vec to predict a target word based on its context
Skip-Gram A technique used in Word2Vec to predict the context words based on a target word
$embed A query parameter in Azure Search that enables semantic search

This article has provided a comprehensive overview of the embedding algorithm used in Azure Search, including its benefits, how it works, and how to use it in your search applications. By leveraging the power of embedding, you can build more accurate and relevant search experiences for your users.

Frequently Asked Question

Azure Search is a powerful cloud-based search service that allows developers to build rich search experiences into their applications, but have you ever wondered what embedding it uses “out the box”? Let’s dive in!

What is the default embedding used by Azure Search?

Azure Search uses a variant of the Word2Vec model, specifically the Distributed Bag of Words (DBOW) model, as its default embedding. This model is trained on a large corpus of text data and is optimized for semantic search.

What are the benefits of using Word2Vec embeddings in Azure Search?

Word2Vec embeddings in Azure Search enable semantic search capabilities, allowing users to search for terms with similar meanings, even if they’re not exact matches. This leads to more accurate and relevant search results, and improves the overall search experience.

Can I customize the embeddings used in Azure Search?

Yes, you can customize the embeddings used in Azure Search by training your own machine learning models and deploying them as custom cognitive search skills. This allows you to tailor the embeddings to your specific use case and domain.

Do I need to provide my own text data to train custom embeddings in Azure Search?

No, you don’t need to provide your own text data to train custom embeddings in Azure Search. You can use pre-trained models and fine-tune them on your dataset, or use transfer learning to adapt existing models to your specific use case.

How do I get started with custom embeddings in Azure Search?

To get started with custom embeddings in Azure Search, you can refer to the Azure Search documentation and tutorials, which provide step-by-step guides on how to train and deploy custom models. You can also explore the Azure Search SDKs and APIs to integrate custom embeddings into your application.

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