Downloading a Folder from Cloud Storage in GitHub Action and Moving it Inside a Docker Container: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Cyrina -

Downloading a Folder from Cloud Storage in GitHub Action and Moving it Inside a Docker Container: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of downloading a folder from cloud storage in a GitHub action and moving it inside a Docker container? Look no further! This article will take you by the hand and walk you through the steps to successfully accomplish this task. We’ll dive into the common pitfalls, provide clear instructions, and offer expert explanations to ensure you’re up and running in no time.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the problem. You have a folder stored in cloud storage (e.g., Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3, or Azure Blob Storage) that you need to download and move inside a Docker container as part of a GitHub action. Sounds simple, right? However, when you try to do this, you encounter issues. Perhaps the download fails, or the folder isn’t moved correctly into the Docker container. Why does this happen?

Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Incorrect permission settings: Ensure that your GitHub action has the necessary permissions to access the cloud storage and download the folder.
  • Incorrect Docker container configuration: Verify that your Docker container is correctly configured to allow file system access and permissions.
  • Timeout issues: Be mindful of timeout issues when downloading large folders from cloud storage.
  • Container volume mounting: Understand how to correctly mount the Docker container volume to persist data.

Step-by-Step Solution

Now that we’ve addressed the common pitfalls, let’s get started with the solution!

Step 1: Set up your GitHub Action

Create a new GitHub action or edit an existing one. Add a new job and select the Docker environment.

name: Download Folder from Cloud Storage and Move to Docker Container

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      image: docker:latest
        - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

Step 2: Install required tools and dependencies

In your GitHub action, install the necessary tools and dependencies to interact with your cloud storage and Docker container.

  - name: Checkout code
    uses: actions/checkout@v2

  - name: Install dependencies
    run: |
      apt-get update -y
      apt-get install -y curl unzip
      pip install googledatalabeling

Step 3: Authenticate with Cloud Storage

Authenticate with your cloud storage service using the relevant credentials. In this example, we’ll use Google Cloud Storage.

  - name: Authenticate with Google Cloud Storage
    run: |
      echo $GCLOUD_KEYFILE | base64 -d > ${HOME}/gcloud-key.json
      gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=${HOME}/gcloud-key.json

Step 4: Download the folder from Cloud Storage

Use the `gsutil` command to download the folder from Google Cloud Storage.

  - name: Download folder from Google Cloud Storage
    run: |
      gsutil cp -r gs://your-bucket-name/your-folder-name /tmp/your-folder-name

Step 5: Move the folder into the Docker container

Create a new Docker container and move the downloaded folder into it.

  - name: Move folder into Docker container
    run: |
      docker run -d --name my-container \
        -v /tmp/your-folder-name:/app/your-folder-name \

Step 6: Verify the folder existence inside the Docker container

Verify that the folder has been successfully moved into the Docker container.

  - name: Verify folder existence
    run: |
      docker exec -it my-container ls /app/your-folder-name

Troubleshooting Common Errors

Encountering issues during the process? Let’s troubleshoot some common errors:

Error Solution
Permission denied error Verify that your GitHub action has the necessary permissions to access the cloud storage and download the folder.
Timeout issue Increase the timeout period or use a more efficient method for downloading large folders.
Docker container configuration error Verify that your Docker container is correctly configured to allow file system access and permissions.


Downloading a folder from cloud storage in a GitHub action and moving it inside a Docker container can be a challenging task. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to overcome the common pitfalls and successfully accomplish this task. Remember to troubleshoot any errors that arise and don’t hesitate to reach out for further assistance.

By mastering this process, you’ll be able to streamline your workflows, improve efficiency, and focus on what matters most – building amazing applications!

Further Reading

Happy automating!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with downloading a folder from cloud storage in GitHub action and moving it inside a docker container? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why is the folder not downloading from cloud storage in GitHub action?

Check your cloud storage credentials and permissions! Make sure you have the correct access token or credentials set up in your GitHub action. Also, verify that the folder path and name are correct.

Is there a specific command to download a folder from cloud storage in GitHub action?

Yes, you can use the `aws s3 cp` command to download a folder from AWS S3, or `gsutil cp` for Google Cloud Storage. For example: `aws s3 cp s3://my-bucket/my-folder/ .`

How do I move the downloaded folder inside a docker container?

Use the `docker cp` command to copy the folder into the container. For example: `docker cp my-folder/ my-container:/app/my-folder/`

Why is the folder not visible inside the docker container?

Check the folder permissions and ownership! Make sure the folder has the correct permissions and ownership set, and that the docker container has access to the folder.

Can I use a GitHub action to automate the entire process?

Yes, you can! Create a GitHub action that downloads the folder from cloud storage, moves it into the docker container, and runs the container. Use a YAML file to define the workflow and automate the process.