What is Pytest Patching?
Image by Cyrina - hkhazo.biz.id

What is Pytest Patching?

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall trying to figure out why your Pytest patch is not returning the expected value? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Pytest patching, explore common pitfalls, and provide step-by-step solutions to get you back on track.

What is Pytest Patching?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and understand what Pytest patching is. Pytest is a popular testing framework for Python, and patching is a technique used to temporarily replace or mock out objects or functions during testing. This allows you to isolate specific parts of your code and test them in isolation.

Why Use Pytest Patching?

Patching is an essential tool in any tester’s arsenal because it enables you to:

  • Mock out external dependencies, such as databases or APIs, to avoid unwanted side effects.
  • Isolate specific parts of your code to test them in isolation.
  • Reduce test complexity and increase test speed.
  • Improve test reliability by reducing the number of variables involved.

Common Pitfalls: When Pytest Patch Not Returning Expected Value

Despite its benefits, Pytest patching can be tricky to get right. Here are some common pitfalls that might lead to Pytest patch not returning the expected value:

  1. Incorrect Patching Syntax: Typos, incorrect indentation, or mismatched brackets can lead to patching failures.
  2. Scope Issues: Patches might not be applied correctly due to scope issues, such as patching a module-level function instead of an instance method.
  3. Overlapping Patches: Multiple patches might interfere with each other, causing unexpected behavior.
  4. Inconsistent Mocking: Inconsistent or incomplete mocking of dependencies can lead to unexpected results.
  5. Test Order Dependence: Test order can affect patching behavior, leading to flaky or failing tests.

Troubleshooting and Resolution

Now that we’ve identified common pitfalls, let’s dive into troubleshooting and resolution strategies:

1. Verify Patching Syntax

Double-check your patching syntax for typos, incorrect indentation, or mismatched brackets. Make sure you’re using the correct syntax for the specific patching method you’re using.

# Correct patching syntax example
def test_function(mock_function):
    # Your test code here

2. Check Scope and Context

Ensure you’re patching the correct scope and context. For instance, if you’re testing an instance method, make sure you’re patching the instance method, not the module-level function.

# Correct patching scope example
@patch.object(MyClass, 'instance_method')
def test_instance_method(mock_instance_method):
    # Your test code here

3. Use Isolated Patches

Use isolated patches to avoid overlapping patches and ensure each patch is applied independently.

# Isolated patch example
def test_function(mock_function_1, mock_function_2):
    # Your test code here

4. Consistent Mocking

Ensure consistent and complete mocking of dependencies to avoid unexpected behavior.

# Consistent mocking example
def test_function(mock_dependency_1, mock_dependency_2):
    # Your test code here

5. Control Test Order

Control test order to avoid test order dependence issues. You can use Pytest’s built-in `pytestmark` or `pytest_order` fixtures to control test order.

# Test order control example
def test_function_1():
    # Your test code here

def test_function_2():
    # Your test code here

6. Enable Patch Debugging

Enable patch debugging to get more insights into patching behavior. You can use Pytest’s built-in `pytest.raises` or `pytest.warns` fixtures to catch and inspect patching errors.

# Patch debugging example
with pytest.raises(PatchingError) as e:
    # Your test code here
    assert str(e.value) == "Expected error message"

Best Practices for Pytest Patching

To avoid Pytest patch not returning the expected value, follow these best practices:

  • Use Consistent Patching Syntax: Stick to a consistent patching syntax throughout your test suite.
  • Test Isolation: Isolate each test to avoid test order dependence and overlapping patches.
  • Mock Consistently: Consistently mock dependencies to avoid unexpected behavior.
  • Use Isolated Patches: Use isolated patches to avoid overlapping patches and ensure each patch is applied independently.
  • Enable Patch Debugging: Enable patch debugging to get more insights into patching behavior.


Pytest patching can be a powerful tool in your testing arsenal, but it requires attention to detail and a solid understanding of patching syntax, scope, and context. By following the troubleshooting and resolution strategies outlined in this article, you’ll be better equipped to identify and fix common pitfalls that lead to Pytest patch not returning the expected value. Remember to follow best practices, such as consistent patching syntax, test isolation, consistent mocking, isolated patches, and patch debugging, to ensure reliable and efficient testing.

Pitfall Troubleshooting Strategy Best Practice
Incorrect Patching Syntax Verify patching syntax Use consistent patching syntax
Scope Issues Check scope and context Test isolation
Overlapping Patches Use isolated patches Use isolated patches
Inconsistent Mocking Consistent mocking Consistent mocking
Test Order Dependence Control test order Test isolation

By following these strategies and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Pytest patching and ensuring that your tests return the expected values.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with pytest patch not returning expected value? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why is pytest patch not returning the expected value?

This could be due to a common mistake: forgetting to start the patcher. Make sure to start the patcher using `patcher.start()` before running your test, and don’t forget to stop it with `patcher.stop()` after the test is finished. This ensures that the patch is properly applied and removed.

How do I ensure that the patched function is called with the correct arguments?

You can use the `assert_called_with` method provided by Pytest to verify that the patched function was called with the expected arguments. For example, `patched_function.assert_called_with(expected_arg1, expected_arg2)`. This will raise an assertion error if the function was not called with the correct arguments.

What if I need to patch a function that is imported from another module?

In this case, you need to patch the function in the module where it is imported, not where it is defined. For example, if you have `from mymodule import myfunction` in your test file, you would patch it as `@patch(‘mymodule.myfunction’)`. This ensures that the patch is applied to the correct module.

How do I patch a function that is used as a decorator?

When patching a function used as a decorator, you need to patch the decorator function itself, not the decorated function. You can do this by patching the `__wraps__` attribute of the decorator function. For example, `@patch(‘mydecorator.__wraps__’)`. This will allow you to control the behavior of the decorated function.

What if I need to patch multiple functions or objects in a single test?

You can use the `@patch.multiple` decorator to patch multiple functions or objects at once. For example, `@patch.multiple(‘module’, func1=MagicMock, func2=MagicMock)`. This allows you to patch multiple objects with a single decorator, making your test code more concise and readable.